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LibreOffice: great history, great future


In 2020, LibreOffice celebrates its 10th anniversary in late September. So, the presentation is a good opportunity to recap 10 years of history, look at the recent LibreOffice 7.0 announcement, and provide some insights into the future of the project.

About the Speakers

SaundersMike Saunders has been a Linux and FOSS user, advocate and journalist since the late '90s, and today works in marketing and community outreach at The Document Foundation. He lives in Munich, Germany.

VignoliItalo Vignoli is one of LibreOffice founders, and has managed marketing and helped with community outreach since day one. He is a FOSS and open standards advocate, is a consultant at The Document Foundation, and a board member at Open Source Initiative. He lives in Milan, Italy.


3 years, 8 months ago

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Software · Freedom · Day · 2020 · Talk · LibreOffice · Open · Document · Format · Free · Melbourne

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Software Freedom Day 2020 (Free Software Australia)

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